Friday, December 6, 2013

Card Mania

I really enjoy making cards and very rarely do I photograph them. I decided to share them, because I usually end up browsing the web for some inspiration to get started. Hopefully someone will use this one day as inspiration in the future! Happy Card Making!

Another Wedding

I recently put another wedding collage together. Another one of my family members, this time a cousin, was getting married. We received several really cute invites and notices in the mail from these events. I saved them and then used them to create this unique gift. Up in the left hand corner is a photo of the happy couple from the save the date. Of course the D represents their new last name, and in the bottom right hand corner is the "Est. 11/29/2013" and yes that is their wedding date.

How it was done....Basically it is a canvas, the different items from their invites and notices and other scrap paper were used to create the base. Yes I did rip up the various items to cover the canvas, and no I am not sorry for doing that. I added a little extra color with some acrylic paint, used Crayola Oil Pastels to create the D. The frame is just a lot of burlap pieces from some sort of sack that I had in my "Rubbish" box, that I cut into little squares and hot glued around the edge of the canvas. I sealed all of it with Mod-Podge, and there you have it. This took a while, but my guess is that it is one of a kind and as a newly married couple, I am guessing they may need a little artwork as they start off in their new life together!